How to create a glamorous blended sideboard with Dixie Belle Paint

Ready to get your blend on? Read on to find out how to create this glamorous effect!

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 Product list:

White Lighting

Coffee Bean

Barn Red

Rustic Red

Midnight Sky

Synthetic brushes

Best Dang Brush

Satin Clear Coat

Gold Gilding Wax

Bronze Gilding Wax

Sanding sponges 

Royal Damask Stencil


First step as always, is to give the piece a thorough clean with White Lighting. This removes dirt, grime and grease build up and also works towards de-glossing your piece. Always make sure to rinse the White Lighting with clean warm water to remove any residue. I also removed all the of the handles at this stage. Next I took off the glossy finish using my electric sander. This piece had a very high gloss, shiny finish which needs breaking down in order to allow the paint to grip. I use a Festool sander with a dust extractor system fitted which allows me to sand inside without worrying about dust.

Before you crack out your paint, you need to give the piece a wipe down with a rag or microfibre cloth to remove any dust.


The colour I used as my base was Coffee Bean. I love using this colour under red as it adds depth and richness to the red tones. I used the Flat Large brush along with the water mister bottle for fast and full coverage.



Once this base colour was completely dry I started to plan out where I wanted my colours to go. I used four different brushes, one for each colour to apply the paint. (Initially I did start to use Honky Tonk Red but decided later to leave this colour out). At this stage I did not blend or overlap the colours. I just mapped the colours out on the piece. I t always helps to stand back and look at the piece from a distance to check you’re happy with the placement of colours so far. At this stage DO NOT panic that it looks like a hot mess!!!


Next I applied the second coat of these mapped out colours. This time I worked in smaller areas so the paint wouldn’t dry and busted out the Best Dang Brush for some blending action. There isn’t a lot I can say about this brush except it really is THE Best Dang Brush. I love it and it makes blending a doddle! After the second coat of paint was applied, I lightly sprayed the water mister over the area to assist with the blending. Then, using small circular motions and starting with the dark colour (Midnight Sky) first, I swirled the colours together, gradually working from the darkest to the lightest colour.

Top tip! If the paint starts to drag, keep your mister at hand for a quick spray.

Make sure you blot your Best Dang Brush once it gets too clogged up with paint. Just wipe on a rag and spray with water to get blending again.


Again, it always helps to stand back and look at your piece from a distance. I loved the blended colours but felt like the Midnight Sky was a bit heavy. DO NOT panic if you want to change it around a bit!


Once this had dried, I went back with my three colour paint placement (similar to the first time), except this time I reduced the amount of Midnight Sky. I repeated the blending step and was much happier with the result. Due to me doing this step I decided on another (and final) layer. If you’re happy with your colour placement first time round then you don’t need to apply a third coat.


I also decided to sand before the third coat to give a superior finish to my piece so used a sanding sponge. Make sure you remove any dust with a microfibre cloth!


Next stage is to topcoat. I decided on Satin Clear Coat for this piece as I wanted a lovely sheen. I used a combination of a roller and a brush to apply the Clear Coat. A roller helps when you have a large flat surface like the top and sides of this piece.


Once the Clear Coat was dry I added some final detail with the Royal Damask Stencil and some Gold Gilding Wax on the drawer sides. Gilding wax is super easy to stencil with due to its thicker consistency and adds a touch a glam to the piece.


Top tip! If you have drawers under one another (like in the centre of this sideboard), take them out and place them in order on the floor in front of you to stencil. This way you can stencil quicker and the pattern with have continuity when the drawers are pulled out.


I also added some Gold and Bronze Gilding waxes on the hardware and around the edges of the drawers and doors. I usually apply this with my finger as it gives a ‘dusting’ effect without there being a too harsh of a line.


Here is the finished piece and some close up shots!



Beautiful artful and tutorial very clear!
Awesome job.



Reallly lovely !!!

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